Drawer number one of the sports nightstand is almost done

Drawer number one is almost done. I think I only have his helmet to finish and then that is done. I'm happy with how it looks, especially the baseball, but not happy with how long it is taking.
So the next drawer will probably be the soccer one. The other two drawers (middle and lower) are larger so it'll be interesting to see how it looks all together when it's done. I'll be starting one of the other drawers tomorrow when the kids nap next.

On another note...I'm finally starting to see some results from zumba and my other exercising. I'm now down 5 pounds. Very excited. I have a little over 5 pounds left but I think I have plenty of time. Wearing summer clothes is about 5 months away. It took me four months to lose the extra 15 pounds that I had on me from being pregnant with my son. So I will try to be patient.

No word yet on my sister-in-law and what her treatment is going to be with her cancer. I think the plan (second hand info) will be radiation to shrink it and then surgery. Saying lots of prayers.


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