Drawer #2 is done, I think

Football. So this will be drawer #2 (middle drawer). I think it's done but might end up touching up a little on it. Going to only work on the base of the cabinet (flat color) tomorrow while the kids nap because Zumba was canceled tonight and I need to work out tomorrow. Should be doing it now but I decided that I don't do too well trying to work out after my long days unless it's in the class and not at home. At home I tend to end too early and not push myself enough. So tomorrow I'm going to start my new Julianna Hough's dance DVD.
Gotta go and watch Grey's Anatomy now. It's not a rerun tonight....woo hoo!

Drawer number one of the sports nightstand is almost done

Drawer number one is almost done. I think I only have his helmet to finish and then that is done. I'm happy with how it looks, especially the baseball, but not happy with how long it is taking.
So the next drawer will probably be the soccer one. The other two drawers (middle and lower) are larger so it'll be interesting to see how it looks all together when it's done. I'll be starting one of the other drawers tomorrow when the kids nap next.

On another note...I'm finally starting to see some results from zumba and my other exercising. I'm now down 5 pounds. Very excited. I have a little over 5 pounds left but I think I have plenty of time. Wearing summer clothes is about 5 months away. It took me four months to lose the extra 15 pounds that I had on me from being pregnant with my son. So I will try to be patient.

No word yet on my sister-in-law and what her treatment is going to be with her cancer. I think the plan (second hand info) will be radiation to shrink it and then surgery. Saying lots of prayers.

My sister in law just found out she has cancer

A few months ago my sister in law told me that she was having some issues with her health. But she had a baby in August so it wasn't like I thought much of it. And Stephanie tends to not make a big deal out of things. So a few days ago her doctor scheduled a colonoscopy to be done. We got a phone call from my father-in-law yesterday saying that my mother-in-law went up there two days ago and that she called him and told him that they found something. They were doing a biopsy on it and they'll let us know.
My husband called this afternoon and told me that they said it was colon cancer. I just can't get over it. She's 32 years old and just had a baby 3 months ago and have a little boy who is turning five in five months. It's just horrible. She's a wonderful, young person with a good life and no history of drinking, smoking or eating poorly. It just makes you think, why? Why would this happen to HER?
We're still waiting to hear what stage she's in and what the plan of attack is going to be. I just feel so bad for her.

Finished the new wiring for the sound system and then zumba, now wine o'clock!

We worked on this stupid wiring project all friggin' weekend. ALL FRIGGIN' WEEKEND. The black cast iron register cover came in the mail on Friday. We started about 11 am on Saturday morning. Took us like 3 hours to figure out how to and then build the framing around the new vent cover. It doesn't come with a frame so we had to figure out how to frame it out. I told my husband that the beautiful vent cover won't look right with just a plain little wood frame. So started the chaos. About 2 hours into it and 2 trips to Home Depot I thought I was going to throw it out the window into the snow. But we finally got it done with the help of an 8" x 10" black frame. This ended our Saturday.
The next day at about noon we decided to wire everything to make sure it worked before feeding all the wires into the basement and back up to the TV. We realized we needed some more wire. Another HDMI wire, an optical audio wire (to feed the sound from the TV through the receiver so that we can hear it in the in-ceiling speakers), and a red, white and yellow wire to so that, in the future when we buy it, we can hook up our WII. So I had to go to the store. After I got home we realized that the receiver we currently had that we planned on hooking up was too deep to fit into the cabinet. We wouldn't have been able to close the glass doors. So before the kids went down for their naps we went out to buy a new one. Problem, we went to WalMart and they didn't have the measurements on the boxes. So we bought one and hoped for the best. Low and behold....it didn't fit. Still too deep. So we looked online and checked all measurements and features and then looked to see where they sold it. Finally found one at Target. Of all places. So after the kids got up we went to Target and go that one.
Then, onto the wiring. We need to wire the verizon box to the TV, the new DVD player/receiver to the TV and then the TV wired back to the receiver. Then wire the receiver to all the speakers clips waiting on the wall. Just a mess.
But when we wired everything outside of the wall it worked. Now we get everything fed to the basement then back up to the hole in the wall behind the TV (so that you can't see any of the wires) not everything works. OMG. We put The Sound of Music DVD into the player and the picture is going in and out on the TV. Among other issues.

At 7 pm we gave up on everything. At some point I fed the kids heated up hot dogs and corn for dinner but neither of us ate dinner yet. At 7:30 pm we put them to bed, showered and I ordered dinner. My husband was a good boy and ate his chicken and salad from the fridge. We sat on the couch for about 2 hours then went to bed.
The sound still didn't work. So today I went out and got a new HDMI cable, an audio optical wire and a new coaxial cable (my husband ripped the end off the one we had on Saturday pulling it through the wall). I came home, put the kids down for naps and changed the wires out. I got it all working but the TV sound going through the speaker wires. While I was at Zumba my husband figured this out.
Now, it all works and everything is done. Just need to paint the baseboards and nail them in and start decorating. Ah.....


I had my third zumba class tonight. OMG...I cannot believe how much this class kicks my ass. I mean I'm in decent shape. I run, I chase two little kids around and have always just generally been active....I mean I renovated our house for years Monday through Friday while my husband was at work. The second class I made the mistake of drinking water here and there during the class because I watched the other ladies doing it. Yeah, big mistake. I seriously thought at one point that I was going to throw up during a double time side step move.
So I'm pretty proud of myself for making it this far. I've also added weight lifting twice or three times a week to help get rid of this extra weight. And I think I'm going to start posting pics of my body here too to inspire me. Maybe I'll get some nasty responses and it will make me work harder!

Cabinet Project

We have this huge wall in our living room and wanted cabinets to go there on either side of our TV and fireplace but couldn't find them. Up until a few months ago. Found them (unfinished, ugh....another painting project for the house...) so this is one of my newest house projects.
I finished the painting of them inside and out and now have to paint the wall, put the new register cover on (still waiting for in to come in the mail), paint the trim and then finally attach both to the wall.

This is not the kind of painting I like doing but it's necessary. I know they're going to look great once it's all done and I start putting all the books and chachki's on them. But for months I have been yelling at my son to not touch them.

Since they aren't attached to the wall yet and still on furring strips to protect the bottom legs they are very wobbly. And they are about 94" tall so this just might kill my son if it falls on him.

Then, when all that other stuff is done I have to drill holes in the wall behind the TV and behind the cabinet and run cables to the basement and then back up in order to hook up the verizon box without seeing any cables. My husband just doesn't know how money we save by me doing all this crap myself. But that's ok because I think when they're all done I go get myself something special.

Slush and rain and grossness outside today

This winter has been a challenge, to say the least. The snow has been horrible and today it's sort of raining, I guess, and it's just coagulating on top of the sidewalk and making a slushy mess. I walked in it this morning to take my daughter to preschool and the water just soaked through my boots because, of course, I didn't wear the water proof ones. Ugh.

So I'm stuck in the house AGAIN with my little boy (he's 2 months shy of 2 years old) and trying to keep his entertained. Gotta think of some new things to do today.

On a different note, last night was zumba class. It's a combo of exercise and African dancing. It's a cardio workout like no other. Kicks me in the ass. But I have to lose this 10 lbs I put on in the past 2 months so it's gotta be done.

Then I came home, took a shower and relaxed. I finally checked out the video of me and my gay husband Bill (my bestie and neighbor) on Fox news that I DVR'ed. Too funny. How does this happen that this is the third time I've been on TV in the past two years. Just little spots but it's funny how coincidental it is. I can't seem to find it on their website or I would post it here.

So I guess I'll be checking back in later today since I know I'll be bored. Going to get a new painting started today too though.

Helping out a fellow artist today

Today I had a new friend come over and I helped him with a new website he wanted to build. Brett and I met a about two months ago at a Second Saturday Reception at Crestmont Gallery, where we both have our pieces on display. He was there with his partner, Michael. I knew instantly that I liked the pair of them. In talking Brett told me that he is an art teacher but a few years ago started doing pottery and was interested in doing some shows in the area. I told him that I have been doing shows for the past 7 years or so and I would help him out. Also that I could help him get a website started. He told me that him and Michael would take me out to dinner as payment for helping him.

He brought over pictures of his work on discs so we got started. Instead of using the program I use to build websites that he would have to learn how to use, I got online and looked at a site that I knew a few friends who knew nothing about building websites got theirs started with. We put in all of his info, picked a domain name and started building. I think it turned out pretty good for taking about two hours to do.
Brett Ceramics
Hopefully it's easy enough for him to update it himself in the future.

New sports sketches approved

So I did the new sport sketches for the night stand job a few days ago and got the thumbs up today. So I will start painting that later this week. Here are the sketches.

It's soccer, baseball and football. They will each be painted in a super hero look with a black outline. One on each drawer of the three drawer night stand.

It was a little confusing when I started talking with the client about what she wanted for her four year old boy. I thought I knew and started sketches and it just wasn't right.

I apparently hit the nail on the head with these sketches though. So I got the details on the colors and so the next step is the base color to be painted.

I will post photos in a week or so when it's done. Or maybe part way through, we'll see. Hope you like them too.

A new look to the blog. Like it? I dunno.

Ok, so I'm trying out a new look to my blog. It was about time. Problem is that my html is a little rusty so I'm relying on the template to do the designing and it's not working out exactly as planned but I will fix the little things later.
What do you think so far?

Sk8er Boy

I finished the painting Sk8er Boy today. I like it but not really sure if anyone will buy it. I mean I'll probably put a $70. price tag on it but don't know who will buy it for their child at $70. but you never know. I just wanted to paint it so I did. Sometimes I do that!

i do like how it came out though. So I might do another one in a series.

Started sketches for job that this painting was for but the client didn't like. Will post them tomorrow.

Ok, signing off now to go to bed. Had a long day!

Train painting is done

I had tons of pictures of Collingswood, the town we live in, and I just bought a bunch of 8" x 10" canvas boards so I think these will be my next series of paintings. Here's the first one:

I really liked how the sun "whited" out a huge part of the photo on the left side and tried to recreate that in the painting. For those who don't paint, this stuff is difficult to do.

I have a bunch of other photos that are looking down our main street, Haddon Ave. These will take a little more time I think but I'm sure they'll turn out pretty good.

I did get a little side-tracked with an idea I had to use paint, building it up in different spots on the canvas so I'm doing that and another kid-type painting that will probably be finished today. If I have enough motivation to do it. Ever since I gained these 10 extra pounds I've been unmotivated to do anything. Isn't that ironic?

I also have 2 jobs that I'm in the middle of. One is a painting on a night stand for a child. The couple wanted a sports/superhero look on the front drawers and I missed the mark on the first batch of sketches

So I need to do more sketches. Probably do that tomorrow. But this last one is the one I decided to use and paint it on a canvas as a kids painting. This is the one I'm going to try to finish today.

So that's about it for today. I have my psoriasis doc appoint at 6 tonight and then zumba at 7:15. Busy day today/tonight.
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