Mural "Prince and Princess" finished-10/22/10

It's finished. I finished up on 10/21/10 (yesterday). Axton was so much better and now I know he's ready to go into daycare. Cannot wait until Lyla goes to kindergarten next year so we can put him in Lyla's preschool three days a week. I would be able to paint for three days. I don't know what I will do with myself!!
Anyway, here's the pics. I could worked on it for probably another half a day but I had to stop somewhere. I love the way the Disney scenes have so much detail. I think that really separates them from the others. If there are any others. I could have added bunnies and birds and would have loved to added more weeds, as silly as that sounds.
It took me a total of 6 hours to finish it. Pictures are not head on because there is another staircase opposite this one and I couldn't get a really good shot.


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