Casting Call for Work of Art: The next great Artist

On Saturday, September 25th at 7 am my husband and the kids and I left the house for Brooklyn, NY. The casting call for Bravo's second season of "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist" was from 10 am -2 pm. We got to Brooklyn at my cousin's apartment about 9:30am. I got changed and we said good-bye to Lyla (she was spending the day with Jess) as she cried her little eyes out. We then walked about 5 blocks to the Brooklyn Museum.
It was a cattle call so we got in line and had no idea what we were in for. After about 6 hours in line around the Museum I got my number-716. Shortly after this is where I said good-bye to Matt and Axton and went inside. After 6 hours outside (about 1/3 of it in the sun) it was nice to feel air conditioning! We checked in in groups of 30. Then headed upstairs. I waited in another short line and was then seen by someone(?). A nice girl but I have no idea what her credentials were. I turned in my disk and paperwork and after about 5 minutes of viewing my portfolio I was done. Sent on my way to go home and wait for a phone call.
I was finishing my glass of wine around 10 pm that night (that was the deadline for any callbacks) and just looked at my phone and cried. Matt hugged me and I just sobbed. I really thought I had a chance.
For the next week I just stopped once in a while and started tearing up. It's a difficult thing to explain if you've never been through this kind of thing but it just makes you feel like you're not as good as you thought you were.
I took a week off from painting or sketching or anything.
These are the paintings (originals) that I took with me along with me to the casting call. "Oh, Char" and "Funky Donkey"


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