I haven't written in forever so there's so much to update you on!

I recently finished a few new pieces. Some are a bit different than my usual style. I have also sold a few pieces as well. This is called Dancing in Darkness
The idea behind this painting is to represent my life. I am pulled in so many different directions on a daily basis with my painting, whatever needs to be done around the house and the kids and hubby. There's also other things that I have either recently added to my already busy schedule or are on a temporary basis but it complicates things further. The heart being stretched on three sides represents my husband and my two children. Not meaning that they are all fighting for my love but that it is something that sort of happens when you get married and have kids. You tend to try to balance it all out with equal time and affection for everyone. I added the "body parts", I'll call them, because I felt like adding a psychical representation of the directional pull would give even more meaning to the piece.

Another new piece, called A Place in Time

This is a very small painting (5" x 12") done on a gallery wrapped canvas so there's no frame. I am experimenting with abstracts, playing with color and dimension.

I love how this one looks. It's very simple but in my opinion, very interesting. And can be interpreted to mean many different things. I will leave the meaning up to the viewer!

You Make Me Cry. Another very small painting, 5" x 12" as well. This one is a perfect painting for a small area in your kitchen that needs a little interest. I take many pictures while I'm out and about and this one was from our local farmer's market that we go to almost every Saturday for fresh produce and flowers. It was just the perfect photo and I loved the way the back onions are in shadow.

Favorite Places
I was again playing with color with this one. I love how the different swirls of color contrast with the black so I knew I wanted to do the free-flowing "shapes" in the background with bright vibrant colors and then lay the starkness of the black overtop. I had the thought of the bridges before I started this painting so I incorporated that into this piece. It's different bridges from some of my favorite locations. I also added some that I would like to visit as well, like a bridge from Australia. Some are very easy to identify, like the Brooklyn Bridge, other's, not so much. I love how it looks, especially framed. I like how the black of the frame really brings out the black in the piece.

I HEART ART I just had an event on October 29th at my home called I HEART ART. This was a rescheduled party, the first one was the same night we got hit with Hurricane Irene. I must have great timing because this one was snow. IN OCTOBER! Ugh. We had six artists committed but only 3 (including me) were here. All-in-all it turned out to be a really nice night. I was disappointed with the artists that didn't show up but we had about 20 people that came, during the course of the 3 hours and it was quite lovely. We had a singing duo that played from 7:30-8:30 and wine and finger foods. I had several of my neighbors that came and they actually bought stuff! Good for me since all I sold at the first event in June was one print. I put out a lot of money from my own pocket in addition to what the other artists pay to participate so that one print didn't really make a dent in what I spent for the event. This was much better for me but not so much for the other 2 artists. I sold these 2 original paintings that night

In addition I sold quite a few other items so I was happy about it. I ended up buying a piece from one of the other artists, Danny Dennison. I was eyeing up his work at the last event but since I didn't make any money I couldn't buy anything. This time I made the money to buy a piece. So this piece is now mine!

Melancholy #2

Once in a while my husband and I splurge a little for some art. I will usually only buy original hand made pieces from artists that I know and whose work I love. I just like to surround myself with pretty, interesting objects and this one has made me happy! So needless-to-say I have been extremely busy! I also joined a gym to try to get back into shape before the husband and I go to Punta Cana in a month. It's a scary thing wearing a bikini in December! I want to make it a little less scary! I have a trainer named Kenny. I swear he hates me and is trying to kill me slowly with each session. But I think all the work is staring to pay off. I can see some changes now and just have to keep up with it. It's tough because it just means less painting. Nothing else can be eliminated so that's what gets pushed to the side.

We are also finished the whole process for adopting a child (maybe 2). Long process that started about 8 months ago. So....that will be a new chapter in my life when that happens! Ha!


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