"Bounce" is done.

I got a little side-tracked after I got about 1/2 way through this painting but got back on track and now it's done. I absolutely love it.
My husband said he thinks it's my best one yet. I don't know about that but I'll take the compliment anyway.

I don't know if you can figure out what the background is....hmmm....take a guess....come on..

It's a trampoline. Ah, now you see it. I had this picture that I took of my daughter at a birthday party where the color of the dress and the lighting and everything was just great. Then I thought, well how the hell am I going to make that look like a trampoline with a screen around it? But it was critical to include it since her right hand skimming the screen was such an important part of the photo. That, and her left foot skimming the trampoline bed were the most essential points of interest in this photo. Oh, and I just knew the colors would be awesome in paint.

So let me know if you like it. Do you miss her whole face not being in it? Framed? Or not framed?


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