Gallery's 2nd Saturday

Well, I do have to say I was disappointed to be, once again, not the highlighted artist for 2nd Saturday at the gallery but it was nice. Not a great showing but there still needs to be a lot more done to get the word out about the gallery. Gary, the owner, says he doesn't want to sit in the gallery when nothing is going on so he's never there. And the only opening/receptions that he has are on the 2nd Saturday of each month. So if a person never happens to drive or walk past the gallery on those particular nights then they wouldn't know the gallery had EVER opened. I keep telling Gary he needs to have at least one day or night with set hours every week but he doesn't like that idea. I tell him to get a sign that at least says something about the hours. He doesn't do it. So here we are. No one comes to the receptions except friends and family of the artists that have their work in there. It's a shame.
So here are some pictures.

So I will be pushing to have my work in the gallery either next month or in April. I'm getting tired of being pushed aside. I'm the Manager, after all.
Oh, and I will be ordering my glicee prints and mats this week. I'm getting a little tired of not selling anything either so hopefully if I order the prints I can start selling some stuff and making some money.


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