Slush and rain and grossness outside today

This winter has been a challenge, to say the least. The snow has been horrible and today it's sort of raining, I guess, and it's just coagulating on top of the sidewalk and making a slushy mess. I walked in it this morning to take my daughter to preschool and the water just soaked through my boots because, of course, I didn't wear the water proof ones. Ugh.

So I'm stuck in the house AGAIN with my little boy (he's 2 months shy of 2 years old) and trying to keep his entertained. Gotta think of some new things to do today.

On a different note, last night was zumba class. It's a combo of exercise and African dancing. It's a cardio workout like no other. Kicks me in the ass. But I have to lose this 10 lbs I put on in the past 2 months so it's gotta be done.

Then I came home, took a shower and relaxed. I finally checked out the video of me and my gay husband Bill (my bestie and neighbor) on Fox news that I DVR'ed. Too funny. How does this happen that this is the third time I've been on TV in the past two years. Just little spots but it's funny how coincidental it is. I can't seem to find it on their website or I would post it here.

So I guess I'll be checking back in later today since I know I'll be bored. Going to get a new painting started today too though.


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