
I finished the wooden album. It turned out great, in my opinion! He wanted this picture painted on the front of the album but wanted to be able to see a lot of the wood around him. I think I accomplished it.
 Here are the pictures I was working from. It makes any job extremely difficult when I have bad research. If at all possible I will find the picture or take the picture but in this case it's a dog that has passed away so was not possible.

He wanted this painting on the inside front cover. He said it was something his dog used to do while they were in bed. Just peek the top of his face over the edge of the bed.

I've been so busy painting and shopping and taking care of these little creatures I call my kids that I CANNOT WAIT to go on vacation next week. I can't wait to not have to worry about Christmas shopping or what art show is next or what jobs I have going on. And I will actually have help with the little creatures! yay! I meant the palm trees and the beach will help with my stress also but I'm really just looking forward to just slowing down a bit.
Oh, I just finished 3 baskets for all of Lyla's teachers at school. Her main teacher (or head teacher, I don't know what her official title is) is Ms. Lindsay. She's a really good person and really loves her. So she gets the bestest gift! If I could afford to them all the bestest baskets I would but I can't. : (
Here's Ms. Lindsay's basket:
 I put in it: a terry cloth pillow for the tub, 2 pair of the softest socks I've ever felt, a vanilla cookie candle, bodycology cinnamon body wash, a pomegranate body wash, a sleep mask, a loofa, Gherardelli chocolate chip cookies, chocolate squares and caramel filled squares (they are da bomb), a bottle of Bogle Chardonnay, a fancy opener and a wine glass. Everything a girl needs for a night of pampering herself!
 All wrapped up! So pretty! And here are the smaller gift baskets for the other 2 wonderful teachers that are in Lyla's class. In each: a hand-etched coffee mug (by me, of course), Gharardelli hot chocolate, different chocolate squares, various other Gharardelli items, and a sparkly glitter candle. All wrapped up in a festive sleigh.
I hope they all love their gifts.
If you are a teacher please tell me one of the best gifts you've received. I'd love to know!


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